Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy Wolf Friday!

Here's today's wolf shirt. Here's my favorite Amazon review of it.  The kids named the biggest one "Colonel Francisco".  The smaller one in the middle is named "Rufus", and the other smaller one is "The Situation."

Fifth period managed to talk me into letting them draw a wolf on their quiz for extra credit.  Pushover - very much.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Speaking of High Standards

"It's only going to be a good day if he notices that my roots complement my highlights."

Personally, I wonder what would happen if teenage girls obsessed more about...well...anything...than they do about boys. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Birthday Card for Jaqueal

Today is Jaqueal's birthday, and two of his friends made him this card.  He wanted it on the blog along with a picture of him, which I lack, so Jaqueal give me a picture and I'll add it.  Happy birthday to you AND to Wesley!

Monday, January 25, 2010

It's About Time

"It actually pays to clean out your backpack."

Sunday, January 24, 2010

From Homework about the Economy of the 1920s and 1930s

An answer to the question "Characterize the general economic conditions in the US during the decades of the 1920s and 1930s":

The 1920s was a period of extreme economic growth, as was the 1930s.

their was drastic economic growth both decades

were somewhat consistent during the middle years (Inner monologue while grading this one:  You mean the years from, oh, 1928 until 1932?  When there was that big, some might even say "Great", depression that began right in the middle?)

An answer to the question "How many years did it take for annual sales to surpass what it had reached in 1929": 

An answer to the question "Describe the production of cars in 1932, especially in comparison to that of other years":

it was the best (Note - 1932 was the year when the US had the lowest production of cars.)

Friday, January 22, 2010

The Majestic Wolf

Today I wore my "Three Wolf Moon" shirt. The kids were in awe. We named the wolves:

  • Rafael (the "mysterious" looking one on the bottom)
  • Jorge ("just cuz, Miss Nelson")
  • Kodiak ("because he's so domineering")
Also, they suggested that I make every Friday "Wolf Friday".

Thursday, January 21, 2010

An Opinionated Sophomore

"I hate fat people but I love fat cats."

Monday, January 11, 2010

Go Team

Played review jeopardy in all my classes today (what was in my coffee this morning?). The kids came up with some "creative" names, including:
  • Shabookilabookie
  • Nico is Not Nice (used in 2 periods)
  • Your Mom
  • Happy Birthday Miss Nelson
  • 1 White, 1 Africans, 2 Asians and a Droid
  • 4 Mormons and Niko